About me
Capturing a World not of this world...
Hello, my name is Tamara Patrick.
I’m an artist from the Netherlands.
I always felt that life has a deep(er) meaning, that we’re created with purpose. Created by something (or some-One) greater than us. There has always been a strong foundation of knowing that there is a God, a God who sees me and you.
In my longing for a deep personal & living relationship with Him, I’ve explored many ways. This world offers an incredible library and wide selection of pathways for seekers. And because of Free Will, we are free to explore it.
I loved the path of being a seeker and it took me through the spiritual jungle. Until one day my heart was broken open and completely Free(d). Freed from searching.
He found me and opened my eyes to a beautiful truth with a Peace that surpasses all understanding. With Jesus, God has done something incredible in restoring our humanity & human hearts. We long for Home, and He brought Home to us.
He brings inspiration like no other.
And has been the inspiration behind my paintings every since.
Art is my way of expressing what my heart is full of, it is deeply inspired by the beauty & splendor of His glory and kingdom.
I believe art can open up and free your mind, heart and soul. I believe it can serve as a reminder of who we really are and to Whom we really belong. My art and creation process is deeply inspired by the beauty & splendor of the Creator (the True Artist) and Freedom is at the core & foundation of each piece.
Thank you for enjoying my art.
May it fill your heart & home! 💫